Google Sheets Source Connector

Google Sheets

This page guides you through the process of setting up the Google Sheets source connector.


The Google Sheets source connector pulls data from a single Google Sheets spreadsheet. To replicate multiple spreadsheets, set up multiple Google Sheets source connectors in your Airbyte instance.

Setup guide

For Airbyte Cloud:

To set up Google Sheets as a source in Airbyte Cloud:

  1. Log into your Airbyte Cloud account.
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Sources. In the top-right corner, click + New source.
  3. On the Set up the source page, select Google Sheets from the Source type dropdown.
  4. Enter a name for the Google Sheets connector.
  5. Authenticate your Google account via OAuth or Service Account Key Authentication.
    • (Recommended) To authenticate your Google account via OAuth, click Sign in with Google and complete the authentication workflow.
    • To authenticate your Google account via Service Account Key Authentication, enter your Google Cloud service account key in JSON format. Make sure the Service Account has the Project Viewer permission. If your spreadsheet is viewable by anyone with its link, no further action is needed. If not, give your Service account access to your spreadsheet.
  6. For Spreadsheet Link, enter the link to the Google spreadsheet. To get the link, go to the Google spreadsheet you want to sync, click Share in the top right corner, and click Copy Link.
  7. For Row Batch Size, define the number of records you want the Google API to fetch at a time. The default value is 200.

For Airbyte Open Source:

To set up Google Sheets as a source in Airbyte Open Source:

  1. Enable the Google Cloud Platform APIs for your personal or organization account.
    The connector only finds the spreadsheet you want to replicate; it does not access any of your other files in Google Drive.
  2. Go to the Airbyte UI and in the left navigation bar, click Sources. In the top-right corner, click + New source.
  3. On the Set up the source page, select Google Sheets from the Source type dropdown.
  4. Enter a name for the Google Sheets connector.
  5. Authenticate your Google account via OAuth or Service Account Key Authentication:
  6. For Spreadsheet Link, enter the link to the Google spreadsheet. To get the link, go to the Google spreadsheet you want to sync, click Share in the top right corner, and click Copy Link.

Output schema

Each sheet in the selected spreadsheet is synced as a separate stream. Each selected column in the sheet is synced as a string field.

Note: Sheet names and column headers must contain only alphanumeric characters or _, as specified in the Airbyte Protocol. For example, if your sheet or column header is named the data, rename it to the_data. This restriction does not apply to non-header cell values.

Airbyte only supports replicating Grid sheets.

Supported sync modes

The Google Sheets source connector supports the following sync modes:

Data type mapping

Performance consideration

The Google API rate limit is 100 requests per 100 seconds per user and 500 requests per 100 seconds per project. Airbyte batches requests to the API in order to efficiently pull data and respects these rate limits. We recommended not using the same service user for more than 3 instances of the Google Sheets source connector to ensure high transfer speeds.